Jack Peters


Jack Peters

  Send Email  •  (717)392-9029

Rev. Jack Peters has been serving as a pastor in various Baptist and Bible Churches for over 45 years. "Pastor Jack" has been ministering with us since March of 2015. He is a graduate of Rowan University (Glassboro State College), and Cairn University (Philadelphia College of Bible). Before entering the pastoral ministry, he taught sixth grade for a year, served in the U.S. Army (Vietnam Vet), and served as a local director for Child Evangelism Fellowship in Gloucester County NJ.  He has been married to "the love of his life", Dottie (Adams), since June of 1972. They have three children, seventeen grandchildren, and a great-granddaughter. 

Pastor Jack extends to you a warm welcome to join us for worship and study of God's Word. His passion is sharing the new life that Jesus game him when he was sixteen years old. Available to listen, you may reach out to him at (717) 392-9029 or pastorjackpeters@gmail.com.